Winter 2004-2005
Volume XIX, Number 2
In This Issue
A Lobster Fixes the Pickle Farm by Bruce Carlson
President Horner submitted a letter of resignation to the Board of Directors three years ago at age 52. The Board at that time, hoping to retain him, set up a six month sabbatical resulting in Horner coming back from the refreshing beaches of Florida ready to stay on until age 65. But two years later—after reflecting once again that he had served as a college president since he was 29—Dr. Horner felt, if he ever wanted to try something different, now would be the time to pursue other career goals.
Alexander, Jesus, and the Silver Screen by Tom Tredway
By There was a time in the history of our civilization, maybe two centuries ago, when any educated person knew classical history and mythology thoroughly. But the days when classical or biblical people and events were part of the general culture are gone. There is enough gore, intrigue, and even romance in either place to warrant a screen epic every year or two, especially when the other choice for literary inspiration seems to be Spiderman or the Incredible Hulk.
The Young Pietists by Rebekah Eklund
It all began as a late-night ramble among a few friends. We were in Washington, DC, attending Call to Renewal’s Pentecost 2004 conference on hunger and poverty. Call to Renewal (a national network of churches, faith-based organizations, and individuals working to overcome poverty in America) had encouraged us to come as part of an “emerging leaders” track (apparently, if you are under 30, you are “emerging”). It was exciting, a bit intoxicating even, to gather in one room with so many pastors, denominational leaders, and community organizers united around God’s call to care for the poor.
Matthew 27:27-32 and Waldenström’s Commentary by Paul Peter Waldenström and translated by Tommy Carlson
A Young Christian’s American Experience by Pablo Sanchez
Hi, I’m Pablo Sanchez; I come from Chile, a long country in South America. I’m here studying for six months at Minnehaha Academy.
J.S. Bach’s St Matthew Passion as a Lenten Meditation by Don O Franklin
Johann Sebastian Bach’s St Matthew Passion was first performed at the St. Thomas church in Leipzig as part of the Good Friday service. As was the local practice, the first part of the passion was performed before; the second part, after the sermon.
What I Learned from Paul Holmer: An Anecdotal Report by Arvid Adell
My time with Professor Holmer was pretty limited. In the Fall semester of 1967, I took his class Wittgenstein and Religious Language at Yale Divinity School. In 1971, he graciously accepted the invitation of the Philosophy Department at Millikin University (of which I was a member) to offer a series of lectures on “Happiness.” From those two encounters I learned many things, a few which I am sharing as, hopefully, a tribute to an extra-ordinary scholar-teacher.
Redefining the Covenant, Parts I, II, and III by Philip Keillor
The Evangelical Covenant Church of America (ECCA) appears to be redefining itself as it solidifies positions taken on controversial issues. This action has costs: moving the ECCA away from its treasured affirmation of freedom in Christ and weakening some of its claimed distinctives.
Reading from the Garden—Genesis 2 and 3 by David Hawkinson
I am writing this little piece the morning after Ash Wednesday Eve, still vividly imprinted on my forehead as a dark, gray smudge. The opening narrative for the first Sunday of Lent is the story of our debut as humans, walking about the garden “at the breezy time of the day,” as I imagine it. It is a wonderful tale, full of curiosities and possibilities, a thousand questions which lead in countless directions.
Gravity and Levity by Elder M. Lindahl
There’s a silent, constant force around us which pulls us all down toward the center of the earth. Though it’s invisible, we see the effects and experience the pull of that steady, encircling force everywhere. There are some great benefits for the steadiness it provides, and yet we’d all like to find some relief from its everlasting grip. I refer to this relief as a search for levity, the desire to be light of foot and heart.
And There Shall Be Wars, World War II Diaries and Memories by Bud Wagner reviewed by Elder M. Lindahl
This is an authentic story of patriotism and bravery. When Bud was drafted in April, 1941 at age 22, he thought he would be away from his beloved farming and market-gardening business in Minnesota for about a year. Actually, he served “for the duration” until July, 1945. Almost 42 months of this time was overseas duty, much in combat in North Africa, Sicily, and Italy. Bud was a model GI who willingly, honorably, and efficiently did his part to defeat Hitler. The point of his title, and Bud’s belief, is that there will always be wars until the Prince of Peace is affirmed by the nations of this world.
Regular Features
Associate Editor earns Ph.D.; Rebirth of The Narthex
A word about abbreviations by Penrod
I’m against them. I do not live in PA or MN or IL. I live in Pennsylvania, Minnesota, or Illinois. Isn’t that a lot better?
Prune Whip by Gunny
Green with Reene by Irene Ecklund
Clematis and Hyacinth Bean Vines are two of my favorite vines for growing on fences, trellis, bushes or trees.
The Oneness of All People by Arthur W. Anderson
One regret that still bristles me is that I didn’t speak or write more forcefully about the oneness of all people—sinners, saints, butchers, ham operators, sailors, sea captains, farmers, drillers, receptionists, CEOs, doctors, plainclothesmen, peacemakers, al-Qaeda, preachers, tax cheats, contractors, lawyers, baseball players, rabbis, poets, criminals, et. al. You guessed it. The whole bunch!
Sightings in Christian Music by Glen Wiberg
My sightings in this issue include the use of a new hymn in three services held at the Bethlehem Covenant Church of Minneapolis: a Sunday morning worship service, a funeral, and the blessing of a marriage. I was present at these services and felt in each the awe and wonder of a birthing as a congregation found its song: “Surrounded by God’s Silent, Faithful Angels” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, with music by Sigfried Feitz.
The Heart of Christianity by Phil Johnson
Dr. Borg described two paradigms of Christianity in America. He named them “Earlier Christianity” and “Emerging Christianity.” There are significant differences between them. Borg believes that Christians need to look for ways to build bridges between these groups that can lead to shared Christian faith and fellowship.
Harvard’s Noble Lectures by Phil Johnson
Dr. Timothy Johnson, Medical Editor of ABC News, delivered the 2004 William Belden Noble Lectures at Harvard Divinity School in November. This report is based on a recording of the three lectures.