Ecklund, Irene
Green with Reene (Summer 2002)
When should you cut back trees, shrubs and flowers?
Fall and Winter Garden Cleanup (Winter 2002-2003)
Green with Reene (Fall 2004)
Gardening under trees is easy with plants adapted to dry shade.
Green with Reene (Winter 2004-2005)
Clematis and Hyacinth Bean Vines are two of my favorite vines for growing on fences, trellis, bushes or trees.
Deadheading (Winter 2005)
Deadheading means to remove the spent flowers from ornamental plants. Usually there is deadheading to be done from spring to frost. You will enjoy the process more and will be less likely to feel overwhelmed if you keep up with it.
Pinching Back Perennials (Summer 2006)
Tall Sedum (Christmas 2006)
Sedum grow in tough conditions and offer handsome foliage all season and loads of beautiful-attractive flowers in late summer to fall. Lots of newer varieties are coming along all the time. Below are eight of my favorites.
Green with Reene (Spring 2007)
As an avid gardener, this is a very busy time of the season. I never know when to stop planting. I fear I have a serious problem with discipline when it comes to gardening. I love it and get such pleasure watching God’s creation develop in my yard each year.
Green with Reene (Spring 2008)
HOPE (Helping Omaha’s People Eat) is a Vegetable garden maintained by the Master Gardeners of Douglas and Sarpy counties. I am Crew Leader of a group of gardeners who work at HOPE three days a week. All the produce goes to feed the hungry.
Black Chokeberry (Christmas 2008)
Black Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) is a Midwest native. I missed attending an Aronia Berry Festival at Sawmill Hollow Organic Farms ( near Missouri Valley, Iowa, this fall. This is the largest commercial aronia plantation on the continent. So I am sharing excerpts from Jan Riggenbach’s column in the Omaha World Herald with you.
Squash Vine Borer (Summer 2009)
Identification, damage, and control of the squash vine borer.
Green with Reene: Nature Explore Classroom (Epiphany 2010)
The Early Childhood Center, First Covenant Church, Omaha, Nebraska: The purpose is to get children out into nature to explore and to learn to love the world that God so graciously created for us to live in by providing developmentally appropriate nature education for young children. The aim is to help children understand and appreciate the Natural World.