
Carlson, Tommy

Tommy Carlson was an editor of Pietisten.

Galatians 2:11-21 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Summer 1986)

I Peter 4:12-19 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Fall 1986)

Matthew 4:1-11 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Winter 1987)

II Corinthians 4:7-18 and Waldenström's Commentary (Spring 1987)

John 8:31-30 and Waldenström's Commentary (Summer 1987)

Luke 2:1-20 and Waldenström's Commentary (Fall 1987)

A Word About Waldenström (Fall 1987)

Since the first issue of Pietisten was published in the summer of 1986, one of our foci has been and will continue to be Biblical text . As a regular source of commentary we have been using the work of P.P. Waldenström. While he is familiar to many students of pietism, some of you may not be aware of his history and of hi s special association with this journal. Here is a brief biography.

John 20:1-18 and Waldenström's Commentary (Winter 1988)

I Shall Exalt You, Lord (Spring 1988)

The Other Stanzas of "Children of the Heavenly Father" (Spring 1988)

At a Conventicle meeting this winter, Ethel Palmberg, a student at North Park Commercial Academy during the years 1920-22 and at North Park Academy 1927-29, called to our attention that there was a 6th verse to Lina Sandell's song "Children of the Heavenly Father."

Mark 9:38-50 and Waldenström's Commentary (Fall 1988)

Luke 12:32-34 and Waldenström's Commentary (Winter 1988)

Vad gagnar det en människa? (Winter 1988)

John 17:20-26 and Waldenström's Commentary (Spring 1989)

Hesiodos' Råd (Spring 1989)

The Sermon and Its Content (Summer 1989)

A sermon is an announcement of a new time. The suspense is not so much between "a then" and "a now," as it is between "an already now" and "a not quite yet." The time is at hand, God's kingdom is near.

Galatians 6:1-10, 14-16 and Waldenström's Commentary (Summer 1989)

Din sorg är din (Summer 1989)

Psalm 27:13 and Luke 18:1-8 and Waldenström's Commentary (Fall 1989)

Dedicated to the Memory of Carl Carlson

A Visit Home (Fall 1989)

From time to time we all need to "go back home" and check out our roots — that special place that had been such an important part of our lives — and, perhaps, continues to be. But not just the place, also the people who were an important part of our formative years. It was my privilege this past summer to journey home to renew my connections with relatives and friends.

Matthew 2:13-23 and Waldenström's Commentary (Winter 1989)

Matthew 28:1-15 and Waldenström's Commentary (Spring 1990)

John 8:31-51 and Waldenström's Commentary (Fall 1990)

The Letter to the Hebrews 1:1-14 and Waldenström's Commentary (Winter 1990)

John 3:14-21 and Waldenström's Commentary (Spring 1991)

Mark 5:21-43 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Summer 1991)

Lay-Sunday Meditation on John 8:31-59 (Summer 1991)

It is ironic that a denomination whose very beginning and formation was the result of lay people gathering in homes for the study of God’s word, the singing of hymns, praying with and for each other, and generally nurturing and caring for each other in their faith journey now has one official day designated “Laity Sunday” in which the laity is in some small way recognized.

James 4:7-5:6 and Waldenstrom’s Commentary (Fall 1991)

Luke 2:41-52 and Waldenstrom’s Commentary (Winter 1991)

Philippians 2:5-11 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Spring 1992)

Luke 17:11–19 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Fall 1992)

Philippians 4:4-9 and Waldenström's Commentary (Fall 1998)

Colossians 3:1-4 and Waldenstrom's Commentary (Winter 1999)

Matthew 18:15-20 and Waldenström's Commentary (Summer 1999)

Restricted Living (Winter 1999)

John 19:38-42 with Waldenström’s Commentary (Spring 2000)

James 1:17-27 with Waldenström’s Commentary (Summer 2000)

Luke 12:32-34 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Winter 2000)

Philipians 4:4-9 and Waldenström's Commentary - Episle Lesson for Thanksgiving Day (Summer 2001)

Comment on 1902 Pietisten (Summer 2001)

We were delighted to receive three old issues of the original Pietisten in very good condition through the care and kindness of Helen Laughbaum of Gladstone, Wisconsin. Mrs. Laughbaum passed these copies to Sydney Givovenco who in turn brought them to Pietisten. As you can see, one whose cover is copied above is from November 1902.

I Corinthians 11:23-26 and Waldenström's Commentary (Winter 2001-2002)

Tribute to Willard Berggren (Winter 2001-2002)

On Friday, December 8, 2001, family and friends gathered at Karmel Covenant Church in rural Princeton, Minnesota, to say farewell to Willard LeRoy Berggren who left this earthly home on December 2, 2001.

Luke 13:6-9 and Waldenström's Commentary (Winter 2002-2003)

A Word about Waldenström (Winter 2003-2004)

Since the first issue of Pietisten (Summer, 1986), we have provided translations from the New Testament commentary of Paul Peter Waldenström (PPW). Perhaps it is time to refresh our acquaintance with him.

Luke 14:1, 7-14 and Waldenström's Commentary (Fall 2004)

Matthew 27:27-32 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Winter 2004-2005)

John 3:16,17 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Summer 2006)

Dr. Paul Peter Waldenström based his comments on a Greek New Testament text which he translated into Swedish. Tommy Carlson has translated both the Biblical text and Waldenström’s comments from the Swedish text, 2nd Edition, 1902.

Luke 1:26-38 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Christmas 2006)

Romans 8:14-17 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Spring 2007)

Romans Chapter 8:18-23 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Christmas 2007)

Matthew Chapter 28: 16-20 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Spring 2008)

Luke 6:36-42 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Christmas 2008)

Mark 7:1-14 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Summer 2009)

Luke 19:12-27 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Epiphany 2010)

John 14: 8-17 and Waldenström’s Commentary (Spring/Summer 2010)