
Lyssna, Lyssna: Hör Du Änglasången?

translated by Mark Safstrom

Li-sten, li-sten; hear the an-gels sing-ing?
Li-sten, li-sten: “Glo-ry be to God!” Li-sten, li-sten;
hear the an-gels sing-ing? “Glo-ry, glo-ry, glo-ry be to God!”
Glo-ry be to God, in the high- est, In the high- est, in the high- est.

Glo-ry be to God in the high-est On earth, on earth, good-will to
all (Good will to a-all) Glo - ry be to God in the high-est And on earth good-will to
all! (Glo-ry be to God on hi-igh) Glo-ry be to God, in the
high-est In the high-est, in the high-est Glo- ry be to God, in the hi- igh- est,
Peace on the earth (Peace on earth) Peace on the earth (Peace on earth)
Peace on earth, good-will to all, good- will to all!