Pietisten Issues
Volume XXXIX
Fall/Winter 2024 (no. 2)
Minnehaha Academy’s relationship with the Adventurous Christians, A pilgrimage to Sacred Spaces, experienced through art, Growing Hope for 25 years, Codes of the Hebrew Bible, part III, What is a hymnal? It’s much more than a songbook!, and much more...
Spring/Summer 2024 (no. 1)
Redeeming suffering, Oscar Ahnfelt: Troubadour of the Swedish revival, Codes of the Hebrew Bible, and much more...
Fall/Winter 2023-2024 (no. 2)
Let my prayer rise up, Zoom conventicle, The Making of a Reader, Harmony and congregational liberty in the tradition of the Evangelical Covenant Church, and much more...
Spring/Summer 2023 (no. 1)
How we do church tillsammans in Malmö, Walking by the spirit, A Pietist's Bookshelf, and much more...
Fall/Winter 2022 (no. 2)
Jesus is not just for us, The persistence of God’s providence, You are the salt and light of the world, and much more...
Spring/Summer 2022 (no. 1)
Crucifixes, It’s all wrecked, Gougeres share the aroma of welcome, and much more...
Volume XXXVI
Fall/Winter 2021 (no. 2)
If you are quiet enough…, Spirituality, churched and unchurched, The practice of piety in song, and much more...
Spring/Summer 2021 (no. 1)
Faithful to tell on ourselves, The cool of the day, In praise of truth and freedom, and much more...
Volume XXXV
Fall/Winter 2020 (no. 2)
Remain in the city…and breathe, Our siblings’ keeper, Tart Flambé (Alsatian or Nordic), Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation, and much more...
Spring/Summer 2020 (no. 1)
A fellowship of generosity and joy, The thirty-ninth day, The hawthorn tree, More than we could ask or imagine: North Park and the flu pandemic of 1918, Tribute to James V. Sundholm, The sound of a wooden bell, and much more...
Volume XXXIV
Fall/Winter 2019 (no. 2)
Risky discipleship, The liberal arts in prison, Prinsesstårte, The church we could have been…and can still be, Echoes from the 2019 Covenant annual meeting, and much more...
Spring/Summer 2019 (no. 1)
Wade in the water, Even when steeples are falling, Parkinson’s Disease and the Boxers’ Rebellion, Editorial: Remembering Who We Are Before a Momentous Annual Meeting, The Folkhögskola: A fantastic kind of school, and much more...
Fall/Winter 2018 (no. 2)
Truth and Promises, Prayer for the journey, Please God by loving one another, My journey to “Finding Common Ground”, and much more...
Spring/Summer 2018 (no. 1)
Accidental Selfie, Humble leadership and gentle persuasion, Spatchcock chicken and roasted root vegetables, A Lifetime with the Hymnal, and much more...
Volume XXXII
Fall/Winter 2017 (no. 2)
Holding on in unknown waters, Everyone Needs a Rule: The Sermon on the Mount, Pietism, and The Rule of St. Benedict, A Pietist's Bookshelf, Does a backroad in Minnesota lead to God?, and much more...
Spring/Summer 2017 (no. 1)
A Vision for North Park University, The table of grace, Sightings in Christian Music, Fresh Herb Roasted Salmon, and much more...
Volume XXXI
Fall/Winter 2016 (no. 2)
Poetry Corner, Holiness is justice, The Covenant Hymnal, a worshipbook, and much more...
Spring/Summer 2016 (no. 1)
The diversity of God’s children, A perfect storm, Rosenius at Johannelund, and much more...
Volume XXX
Fall/Winter 2015 (no. 2)
In whom do you put your trust?, Bringing the head into the heart: Transforming education at Halle, The hollowed-out self, and much more...
Spring/Summer 2015 (no. 1)
Pietists without apology, An asterisk to Hansen’s law, Strange songs and Holy humor, and much more...
Volume XXIX
Fall/Winter 2014 (no. 2)
Something that doesn’t love a wall, A mosaic of faith in Europe, Christendom’s Ultimate Civil War, and much more...
Spring/Summer 2014 (no. 1)
Looking back in modern Turkey, Från den lilla stugan: The Flicker’s secret, Believing in the abyss, Thick darkness, and much more...
Fall/Winter 2013 (no. 2)
Entertaining the Divine, A.L. Skoog: Translating a heritage, Jesus’s calling to become a Cubs fan, and much more...
Spring/Summer 2013 (no. 1)
Theological perspectives for Christian Education, From generation to generation, Going back to go forward?, and much more...
Volume XXVII
Fall/Winter 2012 (no. 2)
Let there be light, The long humiliation: Judaism and Christianity, “That they be one as we are one”, and much more...
Spring/Summer 2012 (no. 1)
Alaska Reveal, A Future for Classic Pietism?, “The Well” — Church Through Community, and much more...
Volume XXVI
Fall/Winter 2011 (no. 2)
Ecumenical Arches, It’s Sunday, but Monday’s Comin’, James R. G. Hawkinson, and much more...
Spring/Summer 2011 (no. 1)
Psalm 30 for Svea, At Home in Halle, The Scandinavian Detective and the Dissolution of a World, and much more...
Volume XXV
Fall/Winter 2010 (no. 2)
Reflections on Haiti: The search for strength and courage, Life Together, A Pietist’s Bookshelf: Responding to the "New Atheists", and much more...
Spring/Summer 2010 (no. 1)
Himmel på Prärien – Heaven on the Prairie, Parenting Progress, Pietism, BOOK REVIEW: Angels, Worms and Bogeys: The Christian Ethic of Pietism, and much more...
Volume XXIV
Epiphany 2010 (no. 2)
Short of a Quarter Century, The Calling of a Colporteur or What to Expect from “Pietisten 3.0”, In Defense of Hybrids: Part II, and much more...
Summer 2009 (no. 1)
The Chronicles of a Couple of Pietists in the Mid-East, Marian Anderson in Minneapolis, The Pietist Impulse in Christianity Conference at Bethel, Prairie Eyes: In Gratitude to Bill Holm, and much more...
Volume XXIII
Christmas 2008 (no. 2)
The Human Imagination, Communication with Children, Waldenström Goes to China, Sightings in Christian Music, and much more...
Spring 2008 (no. 1)
I Was the Emperor of Japan, Transportation for our Times, Listening for “voice” while reading text, Sightings in Christian Music, and much more...
Volume XXII
Christmas 2007 (no. 2)
Reading Platonic (and other) Text-Maps, Alaska’s Two Covenant Schools, Sightings in Christian Music, and much more...
Spring 2007 (no. 1)
Amazing Grace, The Movie, The Producer and the Pastor, Sightings in Christian Music, Poetry Corner, and much more...
Volume XXI
Christmas 2006 (no. 2)
The Value of Poetry, Water 1st Ethiopian Tour, Tribute to Bruce Carlson, Sightings in Christian Music, and much more...
Summer 2006 (no. 1)
Pious Colleges, “I Expect to be Surprised…”, "America is No Paradise" -- Paul Peter Waldenström and Social Justice, Sightings in Christian Music, and much more...
Volume XX
Winter 2005 (no. 1)
A Man’s Best Friend, Sweet Communion, Reading from the Garden—The Tree of the Knowing of Good and Evil, Sightings in Christian Music, and much more...
Volume XIX
Winter 2004-2005 (no. 2)
A Lobster Fixes the Pickle Farm, The Young Pietists, J.S. Bach’s St Matthew Passion as a Lenten Meditation, What I Learned from Paul Holmer: An Anecdotal Report, Sightings in Christian Music, and much more...
Fall 2004 (no. 1)
Mission Friends, Tribute to Paul Holmer, Bruce Carlson Honored by North Park University, Sightings in Christian Music, and much more...
Volume XVIII
Winter 2003-2004 (no. 2)
A Magnificent English Cathedral, An Educational Pioneer, A Word about Waldenström, Report to Subscribers, and much more...
Summer 2003 (no. 1)
A Friendship Observed, Cross Country by Pleasure Craft, Karl Olsson Refresher, Heretics, and much more...
Volume XVII
Winter 2002-2003 (no. 2)
Ernest Hemingway: The Character of Wrestling, Up on the Mountain, The Making of a Reader Part IX, Sightings in Christian Music, and much more...
Summer 2002 (no. 1)
Life in the Middle, “Shall We Gather at the River?”, Sightings in Christian Music, and much more...
Volume XVI
Winter 2001-2002 (no. 3)
Critical Thinking about Islam, Religious Liberty and Democratic Faith, Making of a Reader, VII Six Scenes from Matthew 26, Remembering Henri Nouwen, and much more...
Summer 2001 (no. 2)
The Religion of the Spirit and the Campaign against Terrorism, Big Bible News, The Making of a Reader: Part Six, Sightings in Christian Music, and much more...
Spring 2001 (no. 1)
The Brothers Blomgren, To Smile or Not to Smile, Tributes to J. Melburn Soneson, Sightings in Christian Music, and much more...
Volume XV
Winter 2000 (no. 3)
A Zuni, a Bar Maid, and a Body Man, Mel Soderstrom, Steady Man on Campus, The Making of a Reader: Part Five, Review of Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time by Marcus Borg, Parts II & III, and much more...
Summer 2000 (no. 2)
A Reader in an Oral Culture, Travelling With Ellen — Reprt from Ecuador II, Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time by Marcus Borg, The Making of a Reader: Part Four, and much more...
Spring 2000 (no. 1)
The Making of a Reader - Part III, C.P., College on Five Dollars, A Long Way from Dome, and much more...
Volume XIV
Fall 1999 (no. 3)
Moravian Roots of the Covenant Churches, How Gene Siskel Became Movie Critic of the Chicago Tribune, The Making of a Reader — Part II, From Rättvik to Isanti County, and much more...
Summer 1999 (no. 2)
The Making of a Reader, Commemorating Kaj Munk, Meditation #3 — Time on the Water, Thoughts on Covenant Freedom, and much more...
Winter 1999 (no. 1)
Paul Sebestyén, My Dinner with Aaron, Conscientious Objection, My Father's Boat, and much more...
Volume XIII
Fall 1998 (no. 3)
Transcending Everydayness, Thanksgiving 1998, Normative Pietist Worship, Finding Sam, and much more...
Summer 1998 (no. 2)
This issue is not yet online.
Winter 1998 (no. 1)
The Revolutionary Waldenström
Volume XII
Fall 1997 (no. 3)
Where is Waldenström?
Summer 1997 (no. 2)
A Confirmation Homily — Pentecost 1997, In Search of the Self and Percy's Last Self-Help Book, Deep Waters, and much more...
Spring 1997 (no. 1)
This issue is not yet online.
Volume XI
Fall 1996 (no. 3)
This issue is not yet online.
Summer 1996 (no. 1)
This issue is not yet online.
Volume X
Spring 1996 (no. 4)
This issue is not yet online.
Fall 1995 (no. 3)
This issue is not yet online.
Summer 1995 (no. 2)
This issue is not yet online.
Spring 1995 (no. 1)
This issue is not yet online.
Volume IX
Fall 1994 (no. 3)
J. S. Bach and Pietism
Summer 1994 (no. 2)
This issue is not yet online.
Spring 1994 (no. 1)
J. S. Bach and Pietism
Volume VIII
Winter 1993 (no. 4)
This issue is not yet online.
Fall 1993 (no. 3)
J. S. Bach and Pietism
Summer 1993 (no. 2)
Bach’s Career as a Church Musician: Early Years, God's Pocket and the Woolly Mammoth
Spring 1993 (no. 1)
J. S. Bach and Pietism
Volume VII
Winter 1992 (no. 4)
This issue is not yet online.
Fall 1992 (no. 3)
Immigrants and Politics, Luke 17:11–19 and Waldenström’s Commentary, A Thanksgiving Sermon , and much more...
Summer 1992 (no. 2)
This issue is not yet online.
Spring 1992 (no. 1)
God - My Beloved Opponent, Philippians 2:5-11 and Waldenström’s Commentary, Paul Holmer on the Meaning of Religious Language, Where We Got Our Hymns—Chapter 2, and much more...
Volume VI
Winter 1991 (no. 4)
Lyssna, Lyssna, Kalle Anke, Into the Napa Valley in Body and Spirit, Twin City Covenant Basketball: A Brief History, Where We Got Our Hymns, and much more...
Fall 1991 (no. 3)
Ludwig Wittgenstein and Paul Holmer: A Comparison, The Gift of Authority (Continued), The House of Faith: John 14:1, and much more...
Summer 1991 (no. 2)
Ek Says: “Sorry”, Lina Sandell at North Park, and much more...
Spring 1991 (no. 1)
Pietists in the Battle of Life, Ready for an Armageddon?, Jesus Learns from Experience, and much more...
Volume V
Winter 1990 (no. 4)
Whose Is Rosenius?, Some Thoughts on a Pietist Theology of Proclamation for the Evangelical Covenant Church, The Rebirth of an Organ, and much more...
Fall 1990 (no. 3)
A Retirement Soliloquy, My Father's Socialism, When I Grow Up, and much more...
Summer 1990 (no. 2)
Pietism: Private Faith and Public Witness, Tracing the Roots of a Denomination, Beautiful Christianity, and much more...
Spring 1990 (no. 1)
On Believing in Heaven, Matthew 28:1-15 and Waldenström's Commentary, Dewey Sands, J. William Fredrickson, and much more...
Volume IV
Winter 1989 (no. 4)
Herod, The Wisdom Tradition and Matthew's Magi, What The Evangelical Covenant Church Believes About God, and much more...
Fall 1989 (no. 3)
What Will It Look Like?, Philip Jacob Spener, Part IV, The People Connection: Reflections on Two Years in China, and much more...
Summer 1989 (no. 2)
The Sermon and Its Content, Galatians 6:1-10, 14-16 and Waldenström's Commentary, Ebbe Bolin, and much more...
Spring 1989 (no. 1)
John 17:20-26 and Waldenström's Commentary, Hesiodos' Råd, Spener's Proposals, Part III, and much more...
Volume III
Winter 1988 (no. 4)
Broken Glass and Torn Veil: Worshiping the One God after Kristallnacht, Spener's Proposals, Part II, A Blessed Escape, and much more...
Fall 1988 (no. 3)
Philip Jacob Spener's Proposals, Part I, Eight Days, Bible Reading: Part II, and much more...
Spring 1988 (no. 2)
Reading Bible: An Introduction to Midrash and Interpretation, Part I, Walking with the Moravians, The Grace Of Divorce and the Freedom Of Marriage, and much more...
Winter 1988 (no. 1)
Divine Foolishness and Human Learning, The Biel — Sandstrom Correspondence, An Easter Story, and much more...
Volume II
Fall 1987 (no. 4)
The Eschatological Dilemma, Between the Magnificat and the Genealogy, Traveler (Selected Passages), and much more...
Summer 1987 (no. 3)
Luther and the Lessons of Losing, On Behalf of the Cast, Reformation Reflections, and much more...
Spring 1987 (no. 2)
II Corinthians 4:7-18 and Waldenström's Commentary, Introduction to the Mission Meeting, The Mission Meeting, and much more...
Winter 1987 (no. 1)
God Went Away: Reflections on Genesis 3, Arum: A Study in Genesis 2:7 — 3:24, Matthew 4:1-11 and Waldenström’s Commentary, and much more...
Volume I
Fall 1986 (no. 2)
The Paradox of Suffering, I Peter 4:12-19 and Waldenström’s Commentary, Looking to Luther - I Peter 4:12 —19, and much more...
Summer 1986 (no. 1)
Awakening Pietisten: An Introductory Editorial, Looking to Luther — Galatians 2:11-21, Galatians 2:11-21 and Waldenström’s Commentary, and much more...