Youth Movement
Axel John Nelson
Axel John Nelson joined his parents Rebecca and Karl (Pietisten Online Editor) in Seattle on New Year’s Day, at 10:01 am. He weighed 8 lbs, 9 oz., and was 20.5 inches long.
The little Viking and his parents are doing great! The family goes to meeting regularly at First Covenant Church of Seattle.
Sammy Hokanson
Samuel Albin Hokanson arrived on January 17, 2008. Jenny, Dr. Jon, and sister Lillie were all very happy to see him.
Jon and Jenny are members of Bethlehem Covenant Church and the family lives in Minneapolis.
Elsie Evelyn Nelson Brown
Elsie Evelyn Nelson Brown was born at 3:50 a.m. on Friday, January 11, 2008. She weighed 8 lbs. 7 oz. and was 21 inches long.
Her proud parents are Sandy Nelson and Christopher Brown. Sandy is a 1985 graduate of North Park College and the family worships at First Covenant Church of Seattle.
Benjamin Spohr
Benjamin Sergey Spohr was born May 30, 2006, in Russia. Linda and Ed adopted him on December 10, 2007 and brought him home to Minneapolis December 27, 2007. Every Sunday Benjamin delights the folks at Bethlehem Covenant Church.
Katrina Brinkmann
Katrina Madora Brinkmann came to earth August 22, 2008 to the delight of her parents, Deb (Hokanson) and Ben Brinkmann and her big brother Paul and big sister Ella. The family lives in and works in the Rochester, Minnesota area. Katrina and Sam Hokanson are cousins.
Micah Small
Micah James Small joined his mom, Lindsay, and dad, Kyle on June 14, 2007. He was 9 lbs, 21 inches long. Micah was baptized on September 2, 2007 at Excelsior Covenant Church where his parents are Pastors.
Kyle and Lindsay say: “Micah is a happy little Pietist with a prophetic edge.”
Signe getting off to a great start
Phil: You wouldn’t believe it—at 3.5 months Signe is already asking: “Daddy, who is Penrod?” What should I tell her? Hans-Erik Blomgren, Seattle, Washington.
Hans-Erik: Read to Signe what it says about Penrod in Pietisten contributors. Tell her about Booth Tarkington’s boy writer, about the mighty pen of Martin Luther, and about the rod of Aaron. She will understand and be satisfied. Phil.