Comment on 1902 Pietisten
Cover of 1902 Pietisten
We were delighted to receive three old issues of the original Pietisten in very good condition through the care and kindness of Helen Laughbaum of Gladstone, Wisconsin. Mrs. Laughbaum passed these copies to Sydney Givovenco who in turn brought them to Pietisten. As you can see, one whose cover is copied above is from November 1902. By this time, Pietisten had been published for 61 years. From 1842 to 1868 it was edited by Carl Olof Rosenius. Waldenström succeeded Rosenius as editor until publication ceased in 1915. Pietisten was an independent journal although both Rosenius was a Lutheran as was Waldenström until he resigned from the State Church in 1882.
The panel on the left side of the cover of this "Periodical for Christian Edification" portrays Moses and the serpent in the wilderness and on the right, the Prodigal Son. Two of the three issues we received have the same cover. Inside the cover is a letter to Pietisten's readers and friends from Waldenström in which he says farewell to the old year (1902). He admonishes the reader to spread the word of God's salvation in the new year—to preach, call out, and pray "that all believers shall keep the faith until the end, and may God's blessing rain down over our people during the coming year and save those who are still sleeping in their sins."
The rest of this issue is devoted to commentaries on various Psalms. On the back cover (inside and outside) are advertisements from Norman's Publishing in Stockholm for books by Waldenström (Commentaries and PW's journey to the U.S., among others) that will make great Christmas gifts.
The price of subscription in Sweden is 1.25 S.Kr and 1.60 S.Kr for the U.S. (Approximately 42 and 53 cents respectively). This covered the cost of four issues (a fifth was free) and postage.