
Swanson, Paul

Rev. Paul Swanson is a Covenant minister, who has served as pastor in several congregations, as well as a missionary, including in Slovakia and China. He taught Bible courses at Minnehaha Academy for over three decades. He currently resides at Covenant Living of Golden Valley, Minnesota.

Alaska’s Two Covenant Schools (Christmas 2007)

Rural Alaska is defined as the vast regions of the State not connected to the North American road system and is primarily populated by Alaska natives. In 1887, the Covenant Church began missionary work in one of these rural regions. Only the Orthodox, the Presbyterians, the Friends, and the Moravians, along with the Covenant were doing missionary work among the Alaskan natives at that time. Somehow the Covenant either chose or was assigned the villages around the Norton Sound. Today the church in most of these villages is the “Covenant” church.

Minnehaha Academy’s relationship with the Adventurous Christians (Fall/Winter 2024)

I met John Patton and Ken (Bos) Bosworth in 1968 shortly after I began teaching at Minnehaha Academy in Minneapolis. They were two young men who loved rock-climbing and had a desire to do youth ministry. They already had chosen the name for their ministry, Adventurous Christians (AC), but had no solid organization nor staff.