
Nelson, Sandy

Sandy Nelson is a graphic designer and artist in Seattle, and serves as layout editor for Pietisten.

My Own Hymnathon (Spring/Summer 2018)

Inspired by the Saint Mark’s Episcopal hymnathon, I decided to embark on my own personal hymnathon. A few weeks later, I spent the weeks of Lent singing through the entire Covenant Hymnal, one verse of each of the 777 hymns. It was such a lovely time, playing the piano and singing a dozen or two or more hymns each day.

Dorothy Balch (Spring/Summer 2020)

Dorothy “Do” Lundstrom Balch was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota to second-generation Swedish immigrants. She attended Minnehaha Academy, North Park Junior College in Chicago, and the University of Minnesota, studying for a career as a speech therapist. She served for many years as a public school special education teacher, focusing on speech and language therapy.

Let my prayer rise up (Fall/Winter 2023-2024)

While we are members of First Covenant Church in Seattle, we also attend Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral on the Sundays when our daughter, Elsie, sings in a choir there. Elsie, age 16, has been a chorister at Saint Mark’s since she was five. We have come to appreciate the differences from our Covenant church service — Saint Mark’s is a little more formal and there are many participants in the processionals at the beginning and end of each service.

A pilgrimage to Sacred Spaces, experienced through art (Fall/Winter 2024)

Last summer, I was invited to participate in a “Sacred Spaces” experience on the theme of Pilgrimage at Saint Mark’s Cathedral in Seattle—specifically to envision and create a large art installation. The two themes of communion and baptism were suggested to me as a place to start.