Blomgren, Anders
Kids Play (Winter 1991)
A Long Way from Dome (Spring 2000)
Hans Blomgren and I were stuck in traffic on our way to see the historic King-dome implosion. Angry trucks loomed in our rearview as Hans searched for a short cut to San Jose Park, our prospective vantage point. It was 7:55 a.m. and the Dome was scheduled to blow at 8:30.
A Real American Full Meal Deal (Winter 2000)
"I want a job," Lonnie demanded, his lips tight in the precise medium between a smile and frown. One could imagine his teeth grinding to splinters behind those taut lips. Lonnie’s hair was combed over his rather large forehead, arousing suspicion that he was losing his hair at a mere twenty-six years of age.
Brotherhood (Summer 2006)
I believe in Brotherhood. But my belief in Brotherhood never really sank in until the boat sank.