
Asimakoupoulos, Greg

Rev. Greg Asimakoupoulos recently retired from his role as chaplain at Covenant Living at the Shores on Mercer Island, Washington.

Tribute to Star Birkeland Asimakoupoulos (Fall/Winter 2019)

The Waiting Room (Fall/Winter 2019)

Bringing the lyrics of life to life (Spring/Summer 2021)

I started spending time with Ruth Eckels shortly after I began working as a chaplain at Covenant Shores, a Christian retirement community in suburban Seattle. Wilson, Ruth’s husband of 72 years, had just passed away. As we met to plan Wilson’s memorial service, Ruth related to me how much the hymns of the church factored in their lives as pioneer missionaries in Alaska.

I have a church that loveth me (Fall/Winter 2021)

This year marks fifty years of my connection with the Evangelical Covenant Church. I had never heard of the denomination until I took part in an ecumenical lay witness mission that was hosted at Newport Covenant Church in Bellevue, Washington in 1971. I was in my first year at Seattle Pacific University as a Biblical Literature major.

Conviction plus humility (Spring/Summer 2022)

Shortly after being called to serve my very first Covenant congregation in Seattle in 1978, I was introduced to the concept of Pietism. Shortly thereafter, I met a man who provided a face to the concept. Gilbert Otteson loved Jesus. He knew God’s Word. He had a heart for people. He spoke his mind unabashedly. He sang with enthusiasm. (Actually, he couldn’t imagine life without music.) He was a Mission Friend.

A hymnody of honesty (Fall/Winter 2022)

It was at Seattle Pacific University, while pursuing my undergraduate degree in biblical literature, that my call to full time ministry was affirmed. It was during those college years that I met the woman who would become my wife, as well. My Seattle Pacific years also introduced me to theological freedom.

Let’s hear it for conventicles (Spring/Summer 2023)

Recently I came across my old student pictorial directory from Fuller Seminary. I browsed the yellowed pages of that black-and-white photo album, complete with snail mail addresses and landline phone numbers. It dawned on me how technology has become part of our lives. Turning the pages, I realized this was the original Facebook—just a book of faces. And young faces at that!

A Man of Letters: Tim Botts (Spring/Summer 2024)

If you called Timothy R. Botts a man of letters, you’d be right. He is known far and wide in the evangelical world by his expressive renderings of scripture and hymn texts. His frameable prints, calendars, and greeting cards grace many a Covenanter’s home.

Strength to meet our trials (Fall/Winter 2024)

As I watched the funeral service for Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor in December 2023, my ears perked up as the choir at the Washington National Cathedral sang “Day by day and with each passing moment,” a contemporary arrangement by Michael McCarthy (b. 1966). The familiar words, translated by the Covenant musician A. L. Skoog, were timely for a grieving nation.