Covenant Chris Crafts Meditation
My Father's Boat (Winter 1999)
The boating season lies ahead. For me, it is a season of grace and wonder as I’m privileged once again to return to the waters. And yet, as the call of grace comes to me again and again, I have to admit my own resistance to grace. My father surprised me with a phone call late last summer. Hemming and hawing, he finally said he would like to give me his boat.
Meditation #3 — Time on the Water (Summer 1999)
I mark the passage of time, especially during the warmer months, by boats. Others chart time by their travels, health crises, job growth or change, family change, or any number of things. I remember the boats I’m on during any season.
River Horse (Fall 1999)
About ten years ago, a travel book appeared in which the author checked out our country by driving from coast to coast on the back highways. Blue Highways, written by William Least Heat-Moon, was very engaging.