
Sport Prophecy

by Eric Ecklund-Johnson

Here are my pre-season All-Pro picks. Note that I picked twelve defensive players in an attempt to include players from both 4-3 and 3-4 defenses. I couldn't think of a punter or a kicker for this team, but punters and kickers aren't real players anyway.


WR Anthony Carter, Vikings

TE Mark Bavaro, Giants

T Gary Zimmerman, Vikings

G Tom Newberry, Rams

C Jay Hilgenberg, Bears

G Bruce Matthews, Oilers

T Anthony Munoz, Bengals

WR Jerry Rice, 49ers

QB Randall Cunningham, Eagles

FB John L. Williams, Seahawks

HB Roger Craig, 49ers


LB Cornelius Bennett, Bills

DE Reggie White, Eagles

LB Shane Conlan, Bills

DT Keith Millard, Vikings

NG Bill Maas, Chiefs

LB Mike Singletary, Bears

DE Charles Mann, Redskins

LB Lawrence Taylor, Giants

CB Scott Case, Falcons

SS Joey Browner, Vikings

FS Mark Kelso, Bills

CB Frank Minnifield, Browns


WR = Wide Receiver

TE = Tight End

T = Tackle

G = Guard

C = Center

QB = Quarterback

FB = Fullback

HB = Halfback

LB = Linebacker

DE = Defensive End

DT = Defensive Tackle

NG = Nose Guard (the old Middle Guard)

CB = Corner Back

SS = Strong Safety

FS = Free Safety

~Key provided by the editors for some of us who might not be quite up to snuff on these matters.