
Jones, Dennis

Dennis Jones is a philosopher who lives in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Mary Jones (Winter 1991)

Even without considering August 21st, the date of her death, Mary had a rough 1991.

Willie Mae, by Elizabeth Kytle (Fall 1992)

Willie Mae is a first-person biography which was first published by Alfred Knopf in 1958. And according to the blurb on the back of the EPM paperback, β€œit was listed by the New York Times as one of the best books of the year, and was widely reviewed as β€˜a sweet book, a strong book, a laughing book, and sometimes a heartbreaking and infuriating book, but never a whining book.’” That truly wraps up the flavor of Willie Mae.

Tribute to George Costas (Christmas 2006)

In mid-October an old friend of mine, George Costas, died of apparent heart attack. He would have been 76 in December and lived in semi-exile in Beloit, Wisconsin, too many miles from his beloved Chicago.