
Johnson, Sandy

Sandy Johnson, was the copy-editor of Pietisten. She earned her PhD in Organization and Development at the University of Minnesota.

Tribute to Michael Groh

Michael Groh (Mike) was a superb student, athlete, and consultant. He was honest, reliable, open, and he met and valued everyone as a person.

Can There Be Joy? (Spring 1987)

"We are only the earthenware jars that hold this treasure, to make it clear that such an overwhelming power comes from God and not from us."

Requiem For A Heavyweight (Summer 1990)

An hour’s time is all it took to shave half a century and more of life off the big elm in front of our house this morning.

Deep Waters (Summer 1997)

Let me tell you a story. It is a story about deep waters. It is, for me, an experience of Grace.

Remembering T.T. (Winter 2000)

Tyra Andersen (my Aunt T.T.) died on December, 21 at the age of 92. She was a member of Quincy, Massachusetts Covenant Church, a long-time reader of Pietisten, and a true pietist.

Tribute to Ruth Holbrook (Spring 2001)

Ruth was not one for sentimental talk. She disdained tears she sensed were not authentic but she responded with love and generosity to those in need or in pain. She was a person with a tough mind and a tender heart. We hope this poem portrays her spirit and liveliness.

Now I Lay Me Down To Dreams (Spring/Summer 2010)