Daniels, Nicole
Congo Mission Trumps Super Bowl (Summer 2006)
Despite years of experience and a laundry list of accolades, Roger Thorpe’s most recent trip to the Congo undoubtedly garnered more national media attention than any of his previous forays, due in no small part to the identity of two of his seven traveling companions, Kathy (Bowman) Holmgren and Calla Holmgren.
Mel and Joanne Honored for Their Labors of Love (Christmas 2006)
If you’ve had any interaction with North Park over the course of the last 42 years, chances are you have met, or at least heard of, Mel Soderstrom. He may have been your classmate, your dorm parent, your financial aid advisor, or, more recently, he may have asked you to donate to the school. No matter what type of interaction you had, chances are, two things are true. You remember Mel well, and you think he’s a pretty good guy.