
Auger, Debra R.

Deb Auger recently retired as dean of students at North Park Theological Seminary in Chicago, Illinois.

Wade in the water (Spring/Summer 2019)

We have an unusually generous theology and practice of baptism in the Covenant Church. There was wisdom in the minds and actions of our ancestors who chose unity over difference and dogma. We believe that baptism is a sacrament and an outward and visible sign of an inward and invisible grace. Whenever and wherever one is baptized, in the community of believers, God is present and is endowing grace on the individual baptized to walk in the love and light of God and to live faithfully into baptism.

It’s all wrecked (Spring/Summer 2022)

The English word passion comes from the Latin — to suffer, to bear, and to endure. The journey with Jesus on his final week takes us from the prophetic entry into Jerusalem to the place of execution and finally to the resurrection of Christ. It is a familiar story, and the very heart of the faith we claim and seek to live out. But I think John’s gospel brings a unique perspective, a different voice, as it presents Christ’s passion as ours too — even as we suffer and persevere through life.