
Winter 1988

Volume III, Number 1

In This Issue

Divine Foolishness and Human Learning by Karl Olsson

Inaugural address upon assuming the Presidency of North Park College and Theological Seminary, Chicago, Illinois, Thursday, November 5, 1959.

John 20:1-18 and Waldenström's Commentary by Paul Peter Waldenström and translated by Tommy Carlson

The Biel — Sandstrom Correspondence by Clifford Biel

If I had wanted to join a church where the clergy deny the full divinity of Christ, I would have joined the Unitarian; if I wanted a church and journals that subvert the authority of Scripture, subjecting it to rationalistic formulae I would have stayed in the Lutheran Church and subscribed to The Christian Century

An Easter Story by Phil Johnson

Mary did not sleep that night. She was troubled by discussion among the followers. They were together because they were friends not because of faith or anticipation. Some talked about what they were planning do. Others expressed opinions about recent events.

Requiem for a Story? by Phil Johnson

I had not read Waldenström's commentary on John 10:1-18 prior to writing "An Easter Story." If I had, the story might have been different.

A Concluding Word on Easter By Martin Luther

Luther's commentary and sermons on the Gospel of John go only as far as chapter 16 so we do not have a commentary from him to compare with Waldenström.

Post: Readers Respond

When I Am Gone by Erik Hawkinson