Summer 1987
Volume II, Number 3
In This Issue
Luther and the Lessons of Losing by Peter Sandstrom
One of my favorite stories to come out of the Reformation concerns an event from the its very early days, after the posting of the ninety-five theses at Wittenberg, but before Luther's "Here I stand" performance before the Emperor at Worms.
On Behalf of the Cast by Peter Sandstrom
With this Reformation Sunday issue we begin our second year of publishing Pietisten.
John 8:31-30 and Waldenström's Commentary by Paul Peter Waldenström and translated by Tommy Carlson
Reformation Reflections by Phil Johnson
When Professor Donald Frisk outlined the Protestant principle" in Historical Theology class at North Park Seminary as the principle that there are "no sacred persons, places, or things," I felt an elation which sometimes comes from recognition and understanding.
Promise and Reality in Jeremiah 31 by David Hawkinson
This prophet, who resisted his summons to warn the people of exile; who wept at the tragedy and who sat down by the waters of Babylon with the broken remnant, is allowed to announce the coming restoration.
Before Winter by Arthur Mampel